My Worlds, My People, My Stories

these are my stories. don't try to plagerize i will hunt you down and sue you. i will not plagerize others. it may look like there are stories which are similar to to others you may know and many may be. i do get influenced by the work of others. but i always take the ideas they give me and run with them in my own direction. the stuff i post here is honestly my own. thank you.

Location: Montana, United States

i am a dork and i love serenity/firefly

Friday, February 03, 2006


go with me for a moment-- what would the story of robinhood be like if told from the perspective of the sherriff. let's say he's not a bad guy, he's smart, and good at his job, but his job is to get money out of people who have never had any in order to fund a pointless war led by a king that (if you really think about it) is a terrible ruler and has to deal at the same time with an ambitious and greedy if non-too competant wanna-be-king and keep him from destroying his shire?

what if robin (i loved him as much as anybody so just go with me here) were not the cunning, loyal, and courageous hero of the people we have been taught, but a spoiled, single-minded-- broke (and therefore without said lordship) which gives him a mighty case of enmity, malcontent brat who no longer has a cosy life and therefore survives by stiring up trouble and just being a violent jerk?

what if friar tuck is in the woods because he was kicked out of his monestary for being a drunken lecher?

what if maid marian is an idealistic ninny with asperations to nobility despite being common and perhaps even poor. and what if the "maid" title is just a sarcastic jab at her being anything but?

what if will scarlet is a flaming homosexual. what if he is in love with alan?

what if little john is a violent drunkard?

much is a simple lad, but with quick fingers?

what if allan a'dale is a devout christian and is only a bard because his family couldn't afford to put him in the church?

David o'Doncaster, Ellen, Scathelock-- i'm working their "bits" out

so whaddya think?